Gen Z to be most resilient generation amidst housing crisis, and my opinion on Wendy’s frosty sit. - By DrDoof

It is without a doubt that we are on the edge of the worst housing crisis yet in the US. Today, new homeowners have to deal with lower wages, higher prices, and outbid companies looking to use properties as rentals, just to have a roof over their heads. Comparing past recessions and wealth distribution charts, the US is currently worse off than pre revolutionary France! As I’m a journalist, it is my job to correlate everything with the generational gap, and I will now explain that. Boomers, gen X and a large portion of millennials can be considered homeowners, and we’re able to purchase their homes before the current recession, but this excludes the newest generation of upcoming adults, gen Z. Gen Z is growing up and maturing in a time where a grocery run for basics can exceed $50, and buying a home is as close to impossible at it can be, but in times like this ingenuity is a must. On the social media platform TikTok, gen Z influencers with unconventional and unique living situations are having their voices heard by hundreds of thousands, and even millions of their peers. The TikTokers promote lifestyles such as Tiny homes, Van life, and live aboard boats. As gen Z is maturing, we are seeing a generation live not in the suburbs, but tiny houses, camper vans, and even boats! These homes are unconventional, eye-catching, and most importantly, affordable. Gen Z is turning out to be the next greatest generation with the resilience of a cockroach. But while the largest economic recession in the history of the US is pretty crazy, there is a situation even worse. WENDYS CAN SERVE THE VANILLA FROSTY YEAR ROUND AND DOESN’T WANT TO! THERE ARE 3 MACHINES, THEY CAN SERVE WHATEVER TERRIBLE SEASONAL FLAVOR THEY WANT, CHOCOLATE, AND VANILLA, BUT THEY DON’T! WENDYS IS EVIL!!!


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