Security Tips to Keep Your Money Safe and Sound - By VinCactus

#1: Turn on 2-Factor Authentication

This makes it so that to log into anything, you have to type in a code sent to your email or phone number. If they want to steal your stuff, they have to get your phone as well.

#2: Contact Your Bank Frequently

Make sure to give your bank a call every once in a while to make sure there haven't been any attempts to enter your bank account. If you keep a close connection with the employees at the bank, they might even slide extra money your way.

#3: Turn on 3-Factor Authentication

First, turn on 2-Factor Authentication, then, lock your phone inside of a safe in your wall so that you need to know the code to the safe to get into your phone. This might be a bit more inconvenient for you, but the hackers will have to hack into a safe to hack into your phone to hack into your bank account.

#4: Bury Your Treasure

Get all of your dosh, and lock it in a large chest. Then, find some secluded island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Sail to said island, and bury the chest 8 feet deep. Keep a map to the treasure hidden somewhere safe. If you ever need to get some money, grab your sailboat (or yacht if you prefer) and head over to your stache.

#5: Put 2-Factor Authentication on your Treasure Chest

Put your chest inside of a safe, so that in case somebody finds the map, they also need to know the code to the safe to get your money. With these tips, you're sure to keep your money in your hands and your hands only.
