The Real Me - By Araina

“Mariano, hurry up, we're going to be late! How many different outfits do you have to try on?” I sighed while watching my brother get ready for the dinner.

“I’m sorry I just want to make a good impression on Isabela’s family,” Mariano explained, “Aren’t you nervous for this too? Soon our family will be one with the Madrigals, that’s pretty nerve wracking.”

“Whatever, just come downstairs so we can all head over soon,” I said as I left his room. I sat in the living room as I checked the status of my stocks, it seems like crypto is up. Tonight my brother Mariano is planning on proposing to Isabela Madrigal who everyone knows is the most perfect girl in the village, or at least that's what her sister Mirabel always tells me. Mirabel and I have been friends since we were young and eventually my brother met Mirabel’s sister and everyone boasted about how they would be the perfect couple.

Mirabel and I are similar in the sense that we both understand the power of passive income. All of Mirabel’s family is famous in the village for their magical powers, but none of them understand how to invest. Her sisters don’t even understand stock, the only kind they know is chicken. When it was Mirabel’s turn to receive her magical gift, the magic door never opened for her but instead she was gifted one bitcoin.

I’ve always paid attention to the market unlike my brother . He is the most handsome guy in our village and my elder brother so everyone, even my parents, fawn over him. He’s not even that special though. He can’t make profit like Elon, he doesn’t even have a share in where you can buy a new shmooble that just released in the new update.

Mariano ran down the stairs exclaiming, “Mom! Dad! Araina! I’m ready, let's go to Isabela’s house and eat some Subway!”

We reached the front of the Madrigal residence and I couldn’t help but gape at the beauty of casita. The paved entry led to the front of a vibrant emerald green door, surrounded by stunning pink flowers and palm trees. It truly is the perfect house for the perfect family.

“Isabela, your boyfriend is here,” her cousin Antonio teased as he led us into the dining room.

As everyone made their way to the dining room table, I couldn’t help but notice the spread of food in front of us. The table lined with Subway sandwiches as far as the eye could see. Decadent.

“Hey everyone! So glad you’re here, hope you saved room for Subway. What an amazing night for Isabela and Mariano. So amazing! Oh there you are Araina, come help me in the kitchen let's bring sodas out,” Mirabel said as she hurriedly grabbed me and rushed me away.

“Mirabel you’re acting like a total weirdo pulling me away like that,” I whispered.

Before I could ask her what was wrong, she blurted out, “I invested my family’s life savings in Blockbuster and the stock keeps falling and my dad knows, Dolores knows, and now everyone’s gonna know!” The floor started to crack beneath us and Mirabel fell to her knees as she wept, “It's all my fault, I’m a failure.”

“Mirabel! You are not a failure. That stupid profit doesn’t mean anything, you haven’t done anything wrong,” I told her.

“You don’t get it,” she let out between sobs, “I’ve spent my whole life trying to become a peak investor but I always buy the wrong stock. I’ll never have W rizz like Kai Cenat. Abuela was right all along for always forgetting me, I’m just a nobody.”

Casita began to rumble violently as the cracks slithered up the walls of the kitchen. In a confused panic, Abuela burst into the room holding the magical flame close to her chest and the others followed suit.

I kneeled down to Mirabel's level and held her as she cried. “I do get it Mirabel. I know what it's like to invest in the wrong stock. But that doesn’t mean it’s all over, you can still sell it.” As I spoke the walls began to buckle and we all ran to shelter as we watched the house crumble in front of us.

We emerged from the rubble and were met with a terrible sight, the candle's flame had gone out.

Abuela gasped and ran to hold the candlestick in her hands, mourning the loss of her encanto. “I always knew you were trouble Mirabel! Our money is gone all because of your beta attitude,” Abuela shouted.

Mirabel exchanged a teary-eyed glance with me and I nodded my head for her to finally speak up. As Mirabel explained the importance of investing, her family began to see her vision.

“I never wanted to just leave our money in the bank,” Isabela said exasperated, “I only did it for you because you never let us invest. But I want to invest and I’m going to invest and I’m going to become a Shmoobles ambassador for just $3.99!”

As all the children spoke, the candle’s flame began to reignite and burned a fiery orange while sparks flew everywhere. Suddenly towers almost reaching the sky formed around them from the rubble, transforming the destruction into a beautiful castle that sprawled out over the green grass surrounding us.

“Mirabel, you did it! You saved casita,” I stuttered as I flocked to envelop her in a hug.

Everyone shed tears of happiness looking at the new found miracle in front of us.

“I’m sorry,” Abuela muttered quietly as she turned to us, “I feel terrible for everything I’ve done. I see now the importance of investing. Can you ever forgive me?”

“Of course I can,” Mirabel smiled.

“Well now that everything is settled let’s go get some 5 dollar footlongs!” I cheered.

“Oh god this sandwich is loaded beyond belief,” I said, taking another mouthful.

“Like our wallets after buying all this stock,” Camilo laughed.

We all laughed and in unison chanted, “Crypto to the moon!”
