Addressing the recent Phillip allegations. - by Ayden

As some of us may know, Phillip is and STILL is a very respected member of the Shmooblesworld community. Reasons include him being very productive, leading and overall just a good guy to hang around when it’s not work day. Now, recent allegations have surfaced that Phillip has been verbally harassing members of staff behind closed doors, these are NOT true. Phillip is a kind and nice guy. I understand it may seem like he’s mean spirited, but it’s really just him being Phillip. All he wants is to get the job done and get the paycheck. He’s got a family to feed. A 9-5 stresses ALL of us. It pushes us to our limit. Unfortunately, for our colleague, he got a little too on-edge. And he broke. Please forgive Phillip for what he did. I was wrong for saying this wasn’t true. But he didn’t mean any harm. Thank you. On other news… There is a very heavy overpopulation of lickers. Devious master is definitely cloning them. Shmooblesworld is hardly a world, we’re all stuck in the same building. Come on man, have some respect.
