Chicken Bun Review - By Araina

Today I tried Philippine style chicken buns for the first time. My mother purchased them for me I believe over a year ago and they have been rotting in the freezer ever since. In fact, as I’m writing this I feel the chicken buns taking their effect on me. I may throw up before I finish writing this, so let’s get right into the review. 

I wrapped the buns in a moist paper towel and heated them in the microwave for 2 minutes. I then removed the steamy buns and let them cool. 

The first thing that stood out to me was how the bun dough looked just like a moist paper towel itself. Nevertheless, I bravely dove in and took the first bite. This was entirely dough and it tasted just like eating cotton balls and moist paper towels. I am afraid I may have accidentally eaten the paper towel I wrapped the buns in. 

The next bite was significantly better as the chicken added a savory kick. It was unexpectedly tasty. Even now as I burp up the chicken bun I find myself enjoying the lingering taste it leaves. 

However, the best aspect of the meal was combining it with Samyang Carbonara noodles. The mixture of textures and added spice truly tied the meal together. 

Overall, the chicken buns were alright. Not something to eat on its own but good with something else. Oh god I can’t stop burping up chicken bun. I think it's actually coming up.


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