How I Make Samyang Carbonara Noodles - by Araina

How I Make Samyang Carbonara Noodles

Step 1
So I pour some water in the pan so that the noodles will be about half way submerged. Make sure its boiling when you put the noodles in. And flip em around and stuff until the noodles have broken apart. I have attached an image for reference

Step 2
Okay so then you add in a splash of milk like literally just a splash. Then you open the spicy sauce packet and mix it into the noodles. I have attached an image for reference

Step 3
I think this next step is pretty easy, but idk you tell me. So then you set the temperature to medium and just let the sauce thicken. And then when you see its gotten pretty t h i c c you set the temperature to low to prepare for the next step. Your noodles shouldn't be watery anymore, they should be creamy. I have attached an image for reference

Step 4
This step is really easy, but important. Add the cheese packet on top and then mix it in. Pretty easy, but I have attached an image for reference anyways

Step 5
Find your favorite bowl or plate, idk me personally I’m a bowl person. Then add the noodles in it and enjoy. Serve with a cold beverage probably, idk me personally I’m a soda person.
