Previous judgement surrounding King Minos brought to light. - by RTX Morshu 1507

Previous judgment of King Minos, regarding his absurd spendings on “bisexual lighting” in the layer of Lust has recently been brought to light. Minos, the previous Judge of Hell and ruler of the Lust layer, is being brought to justice after reportedly spending trillions of dollars from hell’s budget on “bisexual lighting” and “water fountains” in the layer of Lust. A reporter was sent down for some research, and returned with shocking news. “It’s absolutely wild down there, man. Pink and purple lights everywhere, crazy water ways, and everything. I had construction workers and engineers look into the previous construction details of the Lust layer, and everything came out to a whopping $480 Trillion USD. $5T on materials, $20T on construction labor, along with $15T in electronics cost, and the final $440 Trillion was spent on numerous neon lights and signs for the cities that Minos had constructed.” The data collected is proof of what the allegations are claiming. While we had surveyors down in the Lust layer, we were lucky to meet V1, the killing machine himself. We stopped him to ask a couple of questions, in which he gladly answered. “So V1, what are your thoughts on King Minos’ budget spending in Lust?” one of our surveyors asked. “Too bright, hurts the eyes wherever you look. Great for attracting husks though, good source of blood.” V1 stated. It seemed like he too was annoyed with Minos’ spendings. We also had a run-in with the current Judge of Hell, Gabriel, who we got to speak with as well. “So, Gabriel. Why were you selected to be the new Judge of Hell, and what are your thoughts on Minos’ previous actions?” Our lead surveyor asked, and Gabriel was glad to answer. “Well, to put it simply, Minos’ spending were simply outrageous. I mean, why does the “Judge of Hell” spend so much of our budget on giving the sinners a good afterlife? They’re supposed to rot and suffer, that is what Hell is for. But Minos decided to spend nearly all of Hell’s budget on giving the sinners of Lust a relaxed after-life, along with all of those lights, they were horrible looking.” Gabriel stated, he was confident in what he was saying. “And how would you say you are doing with the role of the Judge of Hell?” Our surveyor asked. “Simply put, I am doing more than Minos ever did. I am doing as the Father intended, using his supreme light to oppose anyone that goes against his judgment. Especially that machine, the blue one. He defies the light, emptying hell of its sinners, and giving them a final death at his hands.” Gabriel claimed. It seemed that he was, in fact, doing a better job than the previous King Minos was. Minos was found guilty of using Hell’s budget in a way that did not meet the requirements of reason, and for this his soul was sentenced to eternity in the “Flesh Prison”, meanwhile his husk trampled his once ‘beautiful’ city


  1. I personally believe that he should have spent a bit more on the lights.


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