The Awful Chicken Disaster - by Jjen

Tragedy breaks out in Milwaukee as the city's largest chicken invasion in the last 35 years has wreaked havoc on the innocent population. Although the nation is sending support and attempting to hold the situation down, the invasion has caused unfathomable damage in just the few latest hours of the attack. Various residents spoke out about the incident: "It's really bad, Oh man!" "Check out [...] The world isn't ready for LeBronze..." Although there has always been a massive disconnect between the three powers, both Lebronzists and Plasma users have come together to condemn this unwarranted attack by the Chicken Group. LeBronze president: "This is awfully disappointing on behalf of the Chicken Group. They know they're falling behind but this is not the way to deal with it." Lead Plasma User: "We are teaming up with LeBronzists to send support to Milwaukee residents in these trying times. We can't let them get Giannis."
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