Chicken Disaster Update - by Jjen


After terror struck recently on Milwaukee with the Chicken's largest invasion in 30 years, new changes have been developing, including a possibly temporary ceasefire from any group.

The Chicken Group has decided to halt it's attack on Milwaukee as an act of protest against MGK and Trippie Redd's new collab album, "genre: sadboy". This album is so universally disliked that it has brought world peace amongst the world.

Chicken Group King: "Now I do not plan on giving up on our quests, but this project needs to be eliminated. So I am asking for a ceasefire and worldwide peace for a moment to work together and bring this album down to its knees. Rate it 0 stars on all review sites!"

It is currently common belief that the Chicken Group will not retreat as of yet, as they have not yet achieved their purpose of the invasion; the capture of Giannis Antetokounmpo. Studies reveal that his freakish athleticism would cause a massive imbalance in military strength if the Chicken Group capture and brainwash him to be on their side. He is currently known to be a Plasma User, but still prefers to stand neutral in most debates.

Stay tuned for more updates!


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